Although there are very few of these areas on our rides, we have designated certain segments of road as Yellow Zones, to be observed by any Shawnee Trail Cycling Club rides traversing this area. In these areas, we are limiting our speed to no more than 24 mph which only affects our rides with higher paces. Included on this page are the areas concerned along with some of the justification that has been used for designation. We've also indicated which of our regular ride routes are affected. This is for the safety and well being of the residents as much as your own.
Take a little extra time - be a good neighbor and citizen
A smile from passersby is so much better than an angry look
Frisco Lakes Del Webb Retirement Community |
Cranky Tuesday, Thursday Night Rider
Cranky Tue Stampede, A and B. Thu Stampede, A and B.
Affected Streets & Roads
Includes all of Frisco Lakes Drive (east and westbound), Anthem Drive (north and south) and Crown Park Lane.
Del Webb is a retirement community, with many hiking and biking trails and wrapping a large golf course. There are multiple golf cart crossings on the designated streets, used by both golf carts and pedestrians. There are also multiple crossover intersections that, although unmarked are used frequently by residents. Just to add to the potential dangers, many residents own personal golf carts that they use to travel through the neighborhood.
Although the posted speed limit through these areas is 30 mph, groups of cyclists do not have time to react if a golf cart or pedestrian inadvertently stray across the road. Experience has shown that only a few out of a group would be able to take evasive action, leading to catastrophic consequences for all parties. This is especially true for a night time ride where visibility is less.