Here you can find the answer to most common member questions about our organization, rides, sponsors and membership. Can't find what you're looking for, go to our Contact Us page and message General information.
Club Clothing
How often are the kit designs changed? Only as a general rule of thumb, our kits are redesigned every 2-3 years, although the current kit design has proven popular enough to become a brand of sorts and has been around since 2021.
How often are orders submitted? We operate a club store on our website. All available products will be listed there. Because of required minimums on our custom clothing, we only do 2-4 orders per year.
How do I order? Through the store on the club website.
Does the club keep clothing inventory? Other than unclaimed merchandise, the club does not maintain any inventory of clothing. Inventory is an expense and we long ago decided that your club money could be put to better use for the communities and the club's mission.
I've ordered kit, but haven't picked it up. How long do you hold it for me? Refer to our Purchase and Refund Policy for details.
Current methods of club communication.
FaceBook Group page
This is a closed page, although non-STCC members can join.
FaceBook Fan page
This is an open page used for major announcements and as a feed to our Twitter account
X (formerly known as Twitter)
The STCC Twitter account is tied to our Fan Page and all posts made by admins on that Fan Page feed our Twitter account
Strava Club
This is where all club routes are built and stored. Members joining the club on ridewithgps get premium features for those routes
Accessible by current members only, must be logged in
Distributed weekly, with occasional emergency announcements
Community Relations
How do I get involved with cycling in my community? Contact our Director of Advocacy, Education and Community Relations through our Contact Us page.
Are donations to STCC tax deductible? As a 501(c)3 non-profit, most donations are tax deductible.
Can I contribute to the club through other means than cash donation? Yes, we have affiliations with organizations that donate a part of every purchase back to the club, without affecting your price or the ability to participate in any sales or coupon offers. Please visit our "No Cost to You Donations" page for details.
Membership & Profiles
How do I Join?
Click on the "Become a Member" button at the top of the home page.
What do I get for my membership dues? Read about some of your Member Benefits.
What is the term of the membership? STCC membership is valid 1 year from the date you join.
Can I set up a recurring payment? At the current time, we do not support recurring payments. You will receive multiple reminder notices prior to expiration.
What payment methods are accepted? STCC accepts Paypal or check. Checks, and a completed membership application, must be mailed to our PO Box.
Shawnee Trail Cycling Club
PO Box 2668
Frisco, Tx 75034
Updating and Sharing Your Information
How do I update my profile? After you've successfully logged on to the site, click on Profile on the menu bar, then select view or edit profile. Once the profile screen comes up, select Edit and make your changes.
How do I change the email on my profile? After you've successfully logged on to the site, click on Profile on the menu bar, then select view or edit profile. Once the profile screen comes up, select Settings and change your email. Select save settings.
Can I hide personal information on the forum and website from other members? Yes. After you've successfully logged on to the site, click on Profile on the menu bar, then select view or edit profile. Once the profile screen comes up, select Settings and then Profile Visibility. Choose the fields that you want to be visible or hidden and then select save settings.
Minors on our Rides
STCC Minor Policy *
Non Member Minors:
- Minors of non-members must be accompanied by a parent, or guardian designated by the parent, at all times.
- If a guardian is attending rather than the parent, the guardian may be an existing member, but is not required to be.
- The parent, or guardian if the guardian is not a member, will be required to sign the STCC Ride waiver prior to riding.
- The Parent must also provide a Minor’s Waiver executed for every ride the Minor attends.
- The Minor’s Waiver will be considered valid for the date on the waiver only.
- The parent/guardian must remain in the same group with the Minor at all times and will be responsible for the safety, well-being, and all actions of the minor.
Member Minors
1. Member Minors are those minors who are covered by a Family Membership as indicated by the Bylaws
2. The Presumption for all Member Minors will be to have a parent/guardian on all rides with the Minor.
3. A Minor’s Waiver will be required for all Member Minors and will be valid for the duration of the Family Membership.
4. As allowed by the ByLaws a Minor Member may attend a ride without a parent or guardian; however this will be considered an exception and must be approved by a vote of the Board of Directors.
5. Minors must be at least 16 years of age.
6. The following criteria will be used to evaluate whether a minor should be allowed to ride without a parent/guardian. The decision will be made in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, who will not be required to make the exception.
a. Length of time the Minor has ridden with STCC with a parent/guardian present
b. Frequency with which the minor rides with STCC
c. Skill level of the Minor
d. Maturity level of the minor
7. Prior to a Board vote the board will gather input on the skill level and maturity of the minor from the following sources.
a. The Ride Leader(s) with which the minor has been on rides with.
b. Other members the minor has been on rides with.
c. The Ride Coordinator.
8. In addition to other member input at least one board member will meet with the parents and discuss the following:
a. The inherent risks in cycling
b. The fact that rides are designed with Adults in mind and Minors may encounter adult oriented discussions.
c. The maturity and skill level of the minor.
d. The specific ride requirements/expectations of the rides the Minor will attend.
e. Expectations from the Minor
f. Any Input received from Members in Item 6 above the board members feel should be discussed with the Parent.
9. Upon Board approval the minor will be allowed to ride in their approved skill level (ie, “A”, “B”, “C” pace) or below. A Minor may not “Ride Up” a level without additional parent/guardian supervision and further review by the Ride Coordinator, Ride Leaders and BoD.
10. The Board may impose additional restrictions on the Minor as they see fit.
11. Once approved a Ride Leader will have final say on any given ride as to whether the minor may participate in the ride (whether accompanied by a guardian or not)
12. The Approval of a Minor to Ride without a parent/guardian is a subjective rather than objective approval and may be granted or denied without reason.
13. The Board of Directors is under no obligation to approve any minor to ride without a parent/guardian and may change/revoke their approval at any time without notice, and in their sole discretion.
* approved by Shawnee Trail Cycling Club Board of Directors and Membership 2015
Is STCC a non-profit organization? Yes, Shawnee Trail Cycling Club is incorporated in the State of Texas and is recognized as a 501(c)3 non-profit by the IRS.
Board of Directors
What offices constitute the Board of Directors? The club bylaws currently provide for 7 Board positions. 1) President, 2) Vice President, 3) Secretary, 4) Treasurer, 5) Director, Membership Services, 6) Director Advocacy, Community Relations and Education 7) Ride Coordinator
What are the responsibilities of each office? Responsibilities for each office are defined in our current Bylaws. You may request a copy of these from our Club Secretary on the Contact Us page.
Who currently holds each office? Visit our Contact Us page for a complete list of members of our Board of Directors
How often do the Board of Directors meet? The STCC Board, per our bylaws, meets at least once per quarter.
How often are elections held? There are elections once per year. Our officers terms are staggered to maintain continuity on our Board of Directors, so different offices are open each year.
How do I nominate myself or someone else for an open office? For an open position, you can send an email to our Club Secretary, stating the nominee's name and designated office. Also include a short paragraph of why you think this person is qualified. PLEASE ensure you have the nominee's ok prior to submitting the name.
How do I contact my Board Members? Through the Contact Us page of our website.
Do I have to be a STCC member to ride with the group? Currently, yes we require you to be a current member to register and participate in our rides.
Ride start times throughout the year?
Do I need lights on the ride? STCC is known for our night rides. Although there is a period of time during the summer where head lights are not necessary in some groups, you will need head lights the remainder of the year. Tail lights are always required on our evening rides!
How do I know if a ride has been cancelled? The club has several ways to communicate ride status. The most prevalent method is through our club Facebook page. Ride Leaders will post as soon as a decision is made to cancel. Given Texas weather, you can understand that many times this can be as close as an hour from start time. Advice here - if a cancellation isn't posted, there's likely to be someone riding.
We ride in just about any safe conditions. As a guideline, not a rule
How do I join the Strava team? Follow this link and request to join.
What does STCC use to generate routes? All approved STCC routes are developed and maintained in
Can I ride an eBike on a STCC group ride? Yes, but only Class 1 & 3 eBikes are allowed. These eBikes provide pedal assist only up to 28mph. There is no throttle. Other limitations apply
- Only eBikes that fall within the definition of a eBike Class 1 will be allowed. These bikes provide pedal assist only and have no throttle (refer to table below).
- Only eBikes with disc brakes will be allowed.
- The motor must be a mid-drive or manufacturer installed rear drive application applied to the drive train as a pedal assist. Motors using the front hub are prohibited (presents braking and control issues within the group ride).
- Rider should ensure the charge of their battery prior to the ride. They are not to depend on Ride Leaders for fellow participants to provide transportation (a contact number should be handy for pickup)
What levels of sponsorship are there for STCC? Shawnee Trail Cycling Club currently supports four levels of cash sponsorship (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Contributor) plus our Friends of Shawnee Trail that supply services or discounts to our club and its members. If you're interested in supporting the fastest growing cycling club in North Texas, go here.
What do I get for my sponsorship contribution? Aside from the joy of being associated with such a reputable and growing organization, what else you get depends on your level of contribution.
How do I sign up as a sponsor? Go to our Be a Sponsor page. Note that we limit the number of Platinum Sponsors as these are the ones that display the logo on our kit and we do our best to protect the real estate and give maximum visibility to those groups. All sponsors are subject to approval of Shawnee Trail Cycling Club.
Does the club need volunteers and can I help? Always and "yes". Our club is run by volunteers performing every facet of what we do.
How do I volunteer at club events?
Is volunteer work for STCC eligible for community service hours? Yes, as a registered 501(c)3 non-profit, all hours spent are eligible for community service hours.
Can my children help at STCC events? Yes they can. We welcome supervised minors to help at bike rodeos, street cleanups, etc.
Are there special waivers required for volunteers? Depending on the event, various waivers may be required. Ask your event coordinator for details.
Waivers & Insurance
Why a waiver? If you ride in a group, regardless of size, that doesn’t insist on all participants agreement to a waiver, think very, very hard about whether you should be there. Well organized clubs will have processes in place to ensure that all on the ride are either club members, who have agreed to the waiver conditions when joining the club or are non-members more...
When do I have to sign a waiver? Members agree to our Ride Waiver when they join or renew.
What insurance policies does the club have? The club carries a couple of insurance policies, one covering our Board of Directors and a supplemental health policy covering our members for STCC rides and events.
What does the club's supplemental health insurance policy do for me? If you have an accident that causes you to incur out of pocket medical expenses, and your regular insurance pays at least $500, this supplemental policy will cover your out of pocket up to the maximum defined in the policy. Additionally, if you do not have health insurance, this policy will still cover you with a $500 deductible.
Does the supplemental insurance policy cover non-members? No, this is a members only benefit.
I renewed my family membership today. Do I have to re enter family members or will they carry over with the renewal?
I would like to alert club members to a serious hazard on Collin McKinney parkway if you are traveling westbound.
After you pass through the chicane by the Craig Ranch Fitness Spa and cross the first cross street (Dr Kenneth Cooper Drive) you may encounter a long deep groove between the concrete road slabs, running in the direction of your travel; a groove that neatly accommodates a bicycle wheel.
My front wheel was caught in this groove and my bike was thrown violently to the left; I managed to stay upright and fortunately there was no presence of road traffic in either direction. If I had been riding in a group I would almost certainly have taken out any group members who were to my left and there would probably have been a chain reaction.
Normally, after exiting the chicane, I would reach between 30 and 35 mph on this section of road, but, as luck would have it, I had forgotten my water bottle and had stopped at the spa to hydrate; thus I had only reached only about 20 mph after my restart when groove grabbed my wheel.
Please pass this on to any cyclist or cycling club who might use that road. Also, if anybody knows who is responsible for maintaining the road surfaces please petition them to make immediate repairs.