Never let it be said that Shawnee Trail Cycling Club doesn't listen to it's members. There's a demand, although slight, for group ride that accommodates those cyclists that think there are days or nights that are TOO COLD to ride. Some of you, and you know who you are, stay home and ride your trainer (yuk!) in the warmth and comfort of your favorite room - spinning, spinning, spinning - and going NOWHERE!
Just for you, we've put together the Wimps and Weenies Ride, although to call it a group ride we will have to turn this into an interactive online game so you can enjoy the company of your other riding buddies. This ride only occurs when there's another regular Shawnee Trail ride scheduled, and shame of shames, you miss it.
Always looking for Ride Leaders for this one. Please let us know on the forum if you'd like to volunteer. The only requirement is that you don't drop anyone. You have to realize that in our club you are becoming an endangered species - nothing beats riding outdoors if you have the proper attire and attitude.
Watch the forum for this weeks leader and have fun, spinning, spinning, spinning...
Remember for this ride, apart from the regular Shawnee Trail Cycling Club etiquette, Ride Leader's rules ARE the rules!
Follow this ride on Facebook and Twitter.
Wheels Down: anytime
Distance: How long can you keep Spinning, Spinning, Spinning
Ride Rating: Boring!
Start Location: Your Living Room
Ride Leader(s): ?