Memorial Day Ride 2016

Come one, come all!  Our annual Memorial Day Ride is back and again headed to one of our favorite cycling locales.   We are headed back to Aubrey and yes, that means Mom's after the ride!  We're still finalizing all the little things like routes and pace groups - but mark your calendar.

Monday, May 30th, rolling at 8am.

Please help us in our planning and take the time to register for this event


As always, the pace groups and distances we offer depend on the availability of our Ride Leaders, but they tend to step up.  So, although things may change, we plan the following.

All routes have the optional loop around Blackjack at the end - are you game?

Long route 55-65 miles.  A, B & C pace groups

Short route  35-45 miles.  C & D pace groups

Novice 20-28 miles.  Novice group only

Our tentative routes are ones with which you're already familiar.

Cycling STCC Find the Route


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