Your club has always considered your safety and health first and foremost. So to the surprise of practically nobody, the STCC Holiday Gathering will not be held this year. The Board made this decision in the summer based on how the pandemic was going, and the worsening situation that was expected for the fall. Unfortunately, all the predictions have come to pass.
We’ve been able to safely restart our rides, of a fashion, using recommendations from medical professionals. But, after considering the risks of having a large face to face get together, even masked (which is tough while you eat and drink) and even if it was held outdoors, we felt holding the event would not be a responsible thing and not in the best interests of our members and guests. Too much chance of spread of this deadly virus that is ravaging our lives. So, the decision was made to skip the gathering this year and to hope that things improve in 2021. Then we can truly have a special celebration.
In the meantime,