Coronavirus Impact to STCC

With all the news in the world about the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the many questions from our members regarding possible impact on our rides, we wanted to give a brief update on where we stand and provide some tips on prevention.

For now, our rides and events are still on schedule and going strong, but we'll continue to monitor the status and make adjustments where appropriate to protect you and your safety.


In the meantime, here are just a few things you can do as a precaution to the spread of disease (any disease).  Where indicated, some items are recommended by the CDC and others are specific to us in the cycling world.

  • Stay at home if you begin to feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as headache and slight runny nose, until you recover.  (WHO)
  • Bring a handkerchief or rag to carry on the ride.  Kleenex, tissues and such don't do so well when mixed with sweat.
  • Practice a no touch policy.   Avoid shaking hands, unnecessary hugs and the like.  We all love each other for sure, a little restraint.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth (WHO)
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue (CDC)
  • On the ride, no snot rockets or spitting, or... drop off the very back of the group to perform this act.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. (CDC)
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects (handlebars, water bottles, gloves,etc) using a regular household detergent and water prior to disinfection. (CDC)

As a precaution, we'll also be instructing our RLs to ask someone who is visibly ill to not ride with our groups.

This club is in the business of bringing people together, and as such we should be as smart as possible about it.

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