New Membership or Renewal

Benefits of Membership

To join or renew, select the appropriate Membership option (single or family) from the dropdown below. Complete the process to pay for your new membership or renewal. This payment option is for PayPal only. (Credit Card payments will be handled thru PayPal.)

STCC Individual Membership - $25 per Year, 3 Year Max

STCC Family Membership* - $40 per Year, 3 Year Max

30 Day Trial Membership** - $0 (available for new signups only)

To join using check, download and print the Membership Application. Complete the application and mail to: Shawnee Trail Cycling Club, PO Box 2668, Frisco, Tx 75034.  This option may take 2-3 weeks to process.

Checkout Options
Create Profile
Strength indicator
Additional Info
Member Information


Checkout Now

*Additional family members can register free, by using the coupon code available on the existing member's Welcome Page. Be sure to include the primary members name in the registration form.

**A valid payment method is required for all 30-day trial memberships. To avoid charges, please cancel your membership before the trial period ends. If you do not cancel, your membership will automatically renew at the end of the trial period, and you will be billed for the annual membership fee.  Trial members are provided all access enjoyed by Single Members, with the exception of voting rights and Member Rewards participation, for the duration of the Trial Period.