For our October club get together, we're bringing back our popular forum focused on riding in the North Texas winters. The temperatures will drop before we know it and we'll be digging out those extra layers for the rides. We're so lucky that we generally don't have the extreme weather experienced in many of the northern and, with the right gear and forethought, we can pretty much ride year round.
Without the right gear though, you could be putting yourself at risk. Too little, even temps just above freezing and you could get frostbite. Wear too much, and heat will be your worst enemy.
We'll have some of our members experienced in riding the cooler temps to share what they know and demo some of the gear they use. We'll also have some of the new offerings from RBM for you to view, get hands on and have the opportunity to buy.
Mark your calendar and, experienced cold rider or a newbie or want to come ask the crazies a question, we'll see you there! EVERYONE WELCOME!